Friday, March 27, 2009

More pictures!!!

This is me holding both my girls at the same time! They limit holding time for even us at the moment due to gestational age but when we get to it makes everything worth it.

They are under the billirubin lights and so they have to wear 'sunglasses' to protect their eyes. It is so cute. Look how little her hand is wrapped around my fingers.

I was so swollen part of it was from the magnesium they had to put me on, part from just pregnancy and part was from H.E.L.P.S syndrome which is what they finally diagnosed me with.


Alesha said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! That is so wonderful, and your girls are so cute. I hope they are doing well and that they come home soon. Mara, you need some serious relaxation time! I hope you continue to feel better. I'm just so excited I'm bouncing in my chair just thinking about it.

Threegirlsandalittleman said...

Congrates!! Thank you for sharing, they are so cute and tiny!!

Holli Fuhriman said...

Way to go, Mara! Your girls are beautiful! You are going to be such a great mommy!